Contact Details


Art Studio: Skien, Norway

Galleri Solvang, Øvre Verket, Ulefoss, Norway

Galleri Kunstverftet: Steinbrakka, Stavern, Norway

Telemark Museum, Museumsbutikken: Brekkeparken, Skien, Norway

Follow Ingunn on facebook and Instagram

facebook: Galleri Moseng


About Ingunn

As long as I can remember, I always had a strong need to express myself creatively. Drawing, painting, writing, design, and crafts have been among my many creative outlets over the years. Since 1995, my primary artistic focus has been painting.

My paintings are acrylic on canvas, and many have touches of gold metal leaf and textures. Recuring motifs are elements taken from nature, like leaves, seeds, insects and animals, woven together in an unending variety of patterns, and often juxtaposed with the human face and form. Lately, I added a three-dimensional aspect to my work by creating a series of papier-mâché figurine sculptures.

Artistically, I’m fond of everything that flies: dragonflies, birds, or seed pods from a maple tree. They give movement to the picture.

Composition and form are important to me, not necessarily the symbolic meaning of each element. I leave it to the viewer to decide what it means to them.

I paint the images that pop up in my head. It doesn’t take much to get me inspired, and I always have more ideas for paintings than I have time to paint!

My paintings have been sold to buyers in 15 countries, and I have a large commission-work that hangs in a culture center outside of Barcelona.

At the time being, I’m working towards exhibitions, and have just finished illustrations for a children’s book by an author in New Zealand.

In 2021 I moved from Oslo to Skien, a quaint town located in the Telemark region of Norway, and bought a 170-year-old house with my husband, Kevin Knaak, in the historic Snipetorp section of town. And it is here that we live and work. This lovely old house affords me a nice atelier space, and Kevin photographs my work and creates all the prints that I sell online and in my gallery. It’s wonderful to have complete control of the process, from paint to print, under one roof.

My work can be seen and purchased at three locations in Norway: Telemark Museum Museumsbutikken in Skien, Galleri Kunstverftet in Stavern, and Galleri Solvang, Øvre Verket, Ulefoss.

Accepted as a juried member of NFUK, Norwegian Association for Independent Artists in 2021.

Institutional acquisitions:

  • Rikshospitalets Kunstforenging, Norway

  • Soma Nordic, Norway

  • Guayrapa Culture Center, Spain

  • Samadi Retreat Center, New Zealand

  • TBP Meditation Center, Spain